Vincent Campbell, Rachel Gibson, Barrie Gunter and Maria Touri. 2009. ‘News Blogs and the Future of Newspapers’ In Web Journalism: Critical Perspectives Monaghan, Garrett and Sean Tunney (eds) Sussex Academic Press: Eastbourne.
Humanities Lecturer at Manchester University
I am a Professor of Politics at the University of Manchester and my research focuses on how digital technologies are changing the way in which election campaigns are fought and won. My work is comparative in nature with a particular focus on developments in the UK, the U.S., Germany, Australia and France. I have published a wide range of articles and books on this topic, many of which are listed on this site, so please feel free to browse through. I am currently directing a five year study of Digital Campaigning and Electoral Democracy (DiCED) funded by the European Research Council and I am one of the Principal Investigators of the Norface project examining the impact of Data-Driven Campaigning. I have previously been a Principal Investigator of the Australian Election Study since 2001 and co-directed the internet component of the British Election Study (iBES) in 2015. Outside work I enjoy the delights of country living, dog walking and the odd spot of hill running in North Wales.