Marta Cantijoch, Silvia Galandini and Rachel Gibson. 2015. ‘Civic Websites and Community Engagement: A Mixed Methods Study of Citizen Empowerment Initiatives’ New Media and Society 2015 doi: 10.1177/1461444815616225 … [Read more...]
Normalising or Equalising Party Competition? Assessing the Impact of the Web on Election Campaigning
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2015. ‘Normalising or Equalising Party Competition? Assessing the Impact of the Web on Election Campaigning’. Political Studies 63 (3):529–547, doi: 10.1111/1467-9248.12107. … [Read more...]
Online Campaigning in France, 2007–2012: Political Actors and Citizens in the Aftermath of the Web.2.0 Evolution
Karolina Koc-Michalska, Rachel Gibson & Thierry Vedel. 2014 ‘Online Campaigning in France, 2007–2012: Political Actors and Citizens in the Aftermath of the Web.2.0 Evolution Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (2): 220-244. DOI:10.1080/19331681.2014.903217 … [Read more...]
New media, elections and the political knowledge gap in Australia
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister 2014. ‘New media, elections and the political knowledge gap in Australia’ Journal of Sociology’ Online First doi:10.1177/1440783314532173. … [Read more...]
Is Online Participation Really Different to Offline
Rachel Gibson and Marta Cantijoch. 2014. ‘Is Online Participation Really Different to Offline?: Conceptualizing and Measuring E-Participation.’ Journal of Politics 2013 75 (3):701-716. DOI: … [Read more...]
The importance of method in the study of the ‘political Internet’
Laura M. Suddulich, Matthew Wall, Rachel Gibson, Marta Cantijoch and Stephen J. Ward. 2014. ‘Introduction The importance of method in the study of the ‘political Internet’ In Analyzsing Social Media Data and Web Networks Cantijoch, M., Gibson, R. and S. Ward. (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK: 1-22. … [Read more...]
The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective: Voters, Candidates, Parties and Social Mov
Rachel Gibson. 2014. ‘Introduction’ In The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective: Voters, Candidates, Parties and Social Mov … [Read more...]
Analysing Social Media Data and Web Networks
Marta Cantijoch, Rachel Gibson and Stephen Ward. Eds. 2014. Analysing Social Media Data and Web Networks Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. … [Read more...]
Party change, social media and the rise of‘citizen-initiated
Rachel Gibson 2013. ‘Party change, social media and the rise of‘citizen-initiated’ campaigning. Party Politics 2013 1-15. doi: 10.1177/1354068812472575 … [Read more...]
Hyperlinks and Political Communication: A Comparative Study of Parties Online
Robert Ackland and Rachel Gibson. 2013. Hyperlinks and Political Communication: A Comparative Study of Parties Online.’ International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2013 16 (3): 231-244 DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2013.774179 … [Read more...]