Rachel Gibson and Andrea Römmele. 2009. ‘Measuring the Professionalisation of Political Campaigning’ Party Politics 2009 15(3): 265-293. doi: 10.1177/1354068809102245 … [Read more...]
Mode Effects in Online Election Surveys: Lowering the ‘Political Desirability Bias?
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2009. ‘Mode Effects in Online Election Surveys: Lowering the ‘Political Desirability Bias?’, The Journal of Political Marketing 8(2): 105-129. DOI:10.1080/15377850902813360 … [Read more...]
Blogs, news and credibility
Vincent Campbell, Rachel Gibson, Barrie Gunter, and Maria Touri. 2009. ‘Blogs, news and credibility’ Aslib Proceedings 61 (2) 185-204. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012530910946929 … [Read more...]
News Blogs and the Future of Newspapers
Vincent Campbell, Rachel Gibson, Barrie Gunter and Maria Touri. 2009. ‘News Blogs and the Future of Newspapers’ In Web Journalism: Critical Perspectives Monaghan, Garrett and Sean Tunney (eds) Sussex Academic Press: Eastbourne. … [Read more...]
Designing Online Election Surveys: Lessons from the 2004 Australian Election
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2008. ‘Designing Online Election Surveys: Lessons from the 2004 Australian Election’ Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 18(4): 387-400. DOI:10.1080/17457280802305201 … [Read more...]
The Australian Public and Politics Online: Reinforcing or Reinventing Representation?
Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward and W. Lusoli. 2008. The Australian Public and Politics Online: Reinforcing or Reinventing Representation? Australian Journal of Political Science 43(1): 111-131. DOI:10.1080/10361140701842607 … [Read more...]
e-Politics: The Australian Experienc
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2008. ‘e-Politics: The Australian Experience.’ Australian Journal of Political Science 43(1) 1-11. DOI:10.1080/10361140701842524 … [Read more...]
Organised Interests and New Social Movements in the UK and Europe
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2008. ‘Organised Interests and New Social Movements in the UK and Europe’. In The Handbook of Internet Politics. Chadwick, A. and P. Howard (eds.) Routledge,: 25-39. … [Read more...]
Italian elections online: ten years on
Rachel Gibson, Wainer Lusoli and Stephen J. Ward.. 2008. ‘Italian elections online: ten years on’ In The Italian General Election of 2006’ J. Newell (ed.) Manchester University Press 2008: 177-199 … [Read more...]
Making a Difference? Internet Campaigning in Comparative Perspective
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2008. 'Australia: Potential Unfulfilled? The 2004 Election Online' In Davis, R., Owen, D., Taras, D. and S.J. Ward (eds) Making a Difference? Internet Campaigning in Comparative Perspective, Lexington Books: Lanham MD.: 35-56 … [Read more...]